Write a sports guest post
We often get asked if we accept guest posts submissions, and we do as we believe our readers deserve to get a spectrum of views and sports news. Also, our staff writers are blinked on their preferred sports and teams, so we like to see others’ views.
If you submit an informative and high-quality sports article then we will promote you as the author, giving you exposure to a larger audience. If popular you could become a regular paid contributor to the sports blog.
We are always looking for regular contributors so if you want to write for a sports blog, just get in touch. All we ask for is a bit of transparency in your communication.
Please read the house rules below before submitting a sports guest post or an article for submission
Guest Post Guidelines
Length: A minimum of 500 words. We may split articles longer than 1500 into a series.
Paragraphs: Divide your content into clear and short paragraphs to make it more readable.
Links: All links out cannot breach google policy and should be informative. Please do not submit promotional links unless you have discussed this first. We mean this whole-heartedly, we love to help writers but if you spin a line that you are looking for exposure and try to sneak a promotional link in there you are just wasting your time.
Media: If you have a preference on what copyright-free images you want to use, please include these with your article. This is vital that they are not copyrighted, and please do not just take images of other sites.